Anxieties, Uncertainties and Connection with Self

Have you ever had the feeling that you’re going into something new and you’re just hit by an overwhelming sense of fear or uncertainty?

It’s worse when you know that what you’re going to do is good for you, it’s just the anxiety of all the variables in place that you don’t know about. New people, new places, new experiences – these can all be very frightening.

But taking that step is the beginning of growth.

Beq had those feelings before coming into the Nature Connection Program. And stepping out of her comfort zone was an assault on all her senses.

However, what she came out with was a complete shift within her. She gained a deeper understanding of herself and released ALL of her anxieties. She has a deeper sense of self and others. Sometimes you need a little self push to get the very best version of yourself.

I want you to take that step, that chance, go into that fear especially if you know it’s going to be good for you. And allow yourself to be surprised at your transformation.

And if you feel like my Nature Connection Program is your chance to do so, I would love for you to be a part of it by clicking this link: Nature Connection