Nature Connection: A powerful and transformational experience

It’s been a few weeks since we wrapped up the Nature Connection Weekend and I as well as all the other participants are still feeling the positive effects of this life-changing experience.

What I can truly and honestly say is that the weekend and Nature Connection is all about REALISATION.

Being away from everything – work, challenges, stress, overwhelm, burnout and being one with nature made us realise:

  • How to be connected with oneself
  • How to be connected with others as human beings

Now that sounds a little hippie but during these 3 days we stripped ourselves of everything until we got to the very essence of who we really are.

I can go on and on and on about this powerful and transformational weekend which I will get to in the next few weeks as I will share testimonials of the other participants but I will leave you with this video montage of this amazing weekend:

I want you to be part of this experience. I have one last Nature Connection Program for the year which I plan to hold in October, so if you want to be updated or you want to know more about the program, I encourage those who have not signed up yet to be part of our mailing list: