Can you believe that it’s already June? We are gearing towards the second half of the year and I just wanted to kick things off with some self-reflection – specifically on the theme of “self-loathing”.
It’s quite a heavy topic but truthfully, we deal with that one way or another. For some, they get over it quick and easy but for others it’s prolonged and could have some drastic effects.
Simply put,
Self-loathing is purely a result of a misalignment with TRUE SELF
It’s massively important to reflect on who you truly are and who you project yourself to be and there needs to be an alignment between the “small YOU” and the “big YOU”.
The solution to get out of this state is really simple and the key is that you need to listen. So find out more about this concept and the small you vs the big you in my latest video and get over self-loathing!
Now in-line with self-loathing is the feeling of overwhelm. Are you feeling overwhelmed? Do check out my previous post:
How to overcome overwhelm?
I’m all about helping you achieve your success so if you wanted to learn more about how I can help, I’m just one text or email away.
You can reach me at:
+61 409538690
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