June is Men’s Mental Health Month

Do you have a backlog of suppressed emotions or trauma?

Human beings have an immense level of personal resilience.

It’s admirable and it’s amazing how we are able to cope with the different situations that come into our lives. We always seem to find a way out of challenging situations, but that’s only half the story.

We never really come out of crises unscathed is the other side of the story. We always bring some extra baggage with us when these things happen. Sometimes the baggage can be small, or it could be big but since we feel we are out of the woods, we tend not to let go of that baggage.

As humans, our weakness is that we tend to hang on to those historical things which is the cancerous part of mental health. It slowly chips and eats away at who we are.

But really that is not our reality. We are who we are regardless of our problems or challenges.

This mental health struggle needs to be addressed as we all deal with a lot of turbulence, internally and externally, so it’s important to get support when you are IN crisis as well as AFTER crisis.

Whatever you do, know that there is all kinds of support out there for you.

If anyone is struggling, I want to offer my time to you. Here is a link for a free conversation (10000% no strings attached). Book in with me and let’s just have a chat about your situation.


This is just my way of giving back as there are so many people who have supported me in my mental health journey!