Getting back on track after tragedy

Hope you are doing well and keeping safe!

As you know, last week from 28 February to 4 March, parts of New South Wales was hit by terrible rains, flooding and landslides. 

Thankfully my family and I are all safe now and doing what we can to volunteer our time, effort and resources to those who were hit hardest in our community.

What an ordeal last week was and it’s still going to be months before we get our lives back to normal. Everywhere there’s still a lot of devastation but things are now moving along and recovery is in place.

So my quick reflection is: It’s just time now.

It’s time to get back on track. It’s important for us not to lose sight of ourselves and get back to normality – work, family and supporting people.

The outlook may not look rosy at all right now but it’s important to accept the reality, be grateful of my own situation and just appreciate everything and everyone around me that give me positive energy.

Here’s a small update on where things are at:

If you or anyone you know have a difficult time trying to recover or go back to a sense of normality, I am happy to help.

You can reach me at:
+61 409538690

Or simply book in a time for us to chat: