How to deal with Overwhelm (Lockdown Edition)

Just a thought for the day while going for a walk along the beach and this is along feeling overwhelmed, being too busy and not having any time for yourself.

I’ve spoken to a couple of people in the last couple of days, asking them how they are doing, and the common theme is that they are so busy. From the moment they get up, they have to deal with the kids, the family, then struggle to work with back to back calls, and then dealing with kids again, working till late, etc. They have no time for themselves, not even an hour to go outside for a walk or a run and the following day they start over again. These are crazy times – we need clients, we need to work on our business, we are dealing with pressure. And they conclude that this is just how it is going to be.

even try to prop them on the thought: Is there another way? And they are not able to see that or feel that because they’re literally in fight mode. And to be honest, I think there’s a lot of people out there who are probably in that category. And this is just a provocation. If that’s you, you can choose to do something about it. First of all, it is a mindset thing. You might say, “No, but my situation is different.” To be honest, no one’s situations are really different. If you say that it is different than it is. But if you say it’s not, you’re going to go out and take some time for yourself to get some clarity on what’s more important to do.

What is key right now is – JUST STOP.

Stop for a minute, stop for half an hour, stop for a period of time, and just get the clarity of – Are you actually focusing your time, energy, efforts on the right thing? Or are you forcing against something that is just not the reality right now? Do you need to accept the situation? A different way is to stop forcing things. Things where you’re putting a whole lot of energy and effort into and things that are not going to make any difference.

So maybe this has been helpful, maybe this has been a painful provocation for you. Whatever it is, it is. And if you ever need any support or to talk through your situation, feel free to reach out! (Details below)

Do check out my post last week on how I do my best to be the most authentic coach that I can be to better support others:

Being an Authentic Coach


I’m all about helping you achieve your success so if you wanted to learn more about how I can help, I’m just one text or email away.

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+61 409538690

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